about HUANGS
HUANGS STUDIO,中文名「艸一田人」,從品牌名字開始,就已深植於家的文化記憶中。「黃」字的拆解承載著我們對家的理解:那是一個因細節而完整的地方,也是情感與記憶的起點。我們相信,每一個家都由那些平凡卻不可或缺的日常物件構成,它們不僅是實用工具,更是生活中無聲的見證者。從椅腳套到花瓶,從牆上的洞洞板到飯桌上的印花磁盤,這些物件構成了家的基石,也承載著成長的回憶。
HUANGS STUDIO 的作品不僅僅是功能性的配件,它們是一段旅程、一段記憶、一種陪伴。我們希望,當您觸摸這些作品時,能感受到它背後的手作溫度與設計故事,像攜帶著一份屬於您的專屬記憶,無論身處何地,都能喚起對家的溫暖與力量。
HUANGS STUDIO 的每一件作品,都是時間、記憶與設計的結晶。我們期待,這些皮革作品能成為您日常生活的一部分,陪伴您走過每一段旅程,成為見證您人生故事的載體。因為對我們而言,最美的設計,不僅來自手工與材質,更來自生活本身。
The Shadow of Home, The Memory of Life
HUANGS STUDIO, also known as "艸一田人" in Chinese, is rooted in the cultural memories of home. The deconstruction of the character "黃" reflects our understanding of home: a place made complete by its intricate details, serving as the starting point of emotions and memories. We believe that every home is defined by the seemingly ordinary yet indispensable objects that quietly bear witness to our daily lives. From chair leg covers to vases, from pegboards on the walls to patterned plates on the dining table, these objects form the foundation of a home and carry the weight of cherished memories.
Our design inspiration comes from these small yet deeply meaningful items. Rather than replicating their forms or functions, we explore their unique shapes and concepts, abstracting these features into a design language that transforms them into leather creations suited for modern living. Whether it’s a vase that reflects a mother’s love for floral arrangements or the orderly pegboard that represents organization, our pieces aim to extend these stories and bring warmth and support to your everyday life.
Stories Shaped by Time
We carefully select natural vegetable-tanned leather from Italy, crafted using plant-based tannins to reveal natural textures and a supple touch. The beauty of vegetable-tanned leather lies in its ability to evolve with time and use, changing its color and sheen to become uniquely yours. Every touch and use leaves a mark, turning the leather into an artistic collaboration between life and time.
Connection to Home: Drawing inspiration from household items, we reinterpret everyday details to evoke memories and emotions tied to home.
Time as a Companion: The transformative quality of vegetable-tanned leather records the traces of your life, showcasing personal stories and beauty.
Minimalist and Functional Design: We blend minimalist aesthetics with practical functionality to create high-quality pieces that integrate seamlessly into everyday life.
Interaction Between People and Objects: Our designs emphasize the interaction between users and materials, allowing each piece to become a daily companion.
Eternal Value: We embrace the philosophy of slowing down and appreciating life, ensuring every object becomes a lifelong memory symbol.
HUANGS STUDIO's creations are more than functional accessories—they are a journey, a memory, and a companion. We hope that when you touch these pieces, you feel the warmth of craftsmanship and the story behind the design, carrying a memory unique to you. Wherever you are, may these pieces bring you the comfort and strength of home.
We aspire to be a brand that continually dialogues with its customers. In the future, we aim to explore the possibilities of household objects through diverse designs, transforming memories and emotions into creations that preserve the warmth of home. We also plan to create offline experiences where people can immerse themselves in the story and value of our brand.
Every piece from HUANGS STUDIO is a fusion of time, memory, and design. We hope these leather creations become part of your everyday life, accompanying you through each journey and bearing witness to your life stories. To us, the most beautiful designs are not only born from craftsmanship and materials but also from life itself.
HUANGS STUDIO(艸一田人)は、「家」という文化的記憶に深く根ざしたブランドです。「黄」という漢字を分解することで、家への理解を表現しています。それは、細部によって成り立つ場所であり、感情や記憶の始まりの場所でもあります。私たちは、家は日常生活を静かに見守る、平凡ながらも欠かすことのできない物たちによって構成されると信じています。椅子の脚カバーや花瓶、壁に並んだ有孔ボード、ダイニングテーブルに置かれた模様入りのプレートなど、これらの物が家の基盤を形作り、成長の記憶を運んでいます。
HUANGS STUDIOの作品は、単なる機能的なアクセサリーではありません。それは旅であり、記憶であり、伴侶です。これらの作品に触れるとき、職人技の温かみとデザインの物語を感じ、あなただけの特別な記憶を携えることができるよう願っています。どこにいても、これらの作品が家のぬくもりと力をもたらすことを心から願っています。
HUANGS STUDIOのすべての作品は、時間、記憶、デザインの結晶です。これらの革製品が日常生活の一部となり、すべての旅に寄り添い、あなたの人生の物語を見守る存在となることを期待しています。私たちにとって、最も美しいデザインは、職人技や素材だけでなく、生活そのものから生まれるものです。